Kamis 25 Maret 2021 pagi yang seru diawali dengan kegiatan yang sangat mengasyikkan.  Semangat dan antusias para santri dan santriwati kelas 4 di SDIK Mutiara Anak Sholeh terlihat dengan siap untuk mengikuti Guest Teacher untuk kelas 4A dimulai pukul 07.30-08.30 WIB sedangkan Guest teacher kelas 4B dimulai pukul 08.45-09.45  WIB.

Mr. Mohsen from Afghanistan explain about food, geographical, clothing, tourism object, and culture.

Food of Afghanistan like Afghani Bread with watery food like soup, Afgahni soup and kebab. Famous shafron of Afghanistan is red gold shafron and has become one of the country top item for export.

Afghanistan is located in the heart of Asia it has 34 provinces, an 7 neighboring countries, the population of Afghanistan is 31,9 million and it’s a mountainous country too.

Traditional clothing in Afghanistan called a tunbaan.

Pamir one of the tourism object in here is the second big mountain in the world. The biggest mosque of Afghanistan which called blue mosque that is located in Mazar Sharif City of Afghanistan, Panjshir the tomb of national hero of Afghanistan, and Band E (Amir) lake of Afghanistan.

Akhir sesi Guest Teacher kami bermain game dan answer section.

Kami bermain tebak animal, fruit dan public figure.

Keseruan mereka saat bertanya pada Mr. Mohsen

Ibrahim : “What is your favourite food In Indobnesia ?”

My Favourite food is Nasi Padang and Nasi Goreng”.

Rafasya: “ What is your hobby ?”

Mr. Mohsen : “ I like swimming and I am a good swimming.”

Kevn: “ What is your Job in Afghanistan?”

Mr. Mohsen : “After graduted from high school I work as marketing manager in there”

Seru yah teman- teman Guest Teacher hari ini,, tetap semangat dan ikuti Guest Teacher selanjutnya ya…



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